Monday, January 23, 2012

Why I hate 9gag

Well, I just wrote this about newfriends on the internet.

You know what? my passionate hate for 9gag has nothing to do with accrediting 4chan, more like the acting half the jokes that get reposted on these shitty tumblr and 9gags and what have you, acting like all these image macros and memes and comics are something you knew that you guys discovered and that noone else could possibly have seen before, and that they are part of some secret club of people who know about a joke that is already three years old. Do you know how long rage comics have been around? Do you know how long people have stopped using those in 4chan? But now people post then on their shitty tumblr and 9gag shits, and suddently, its like "OMG LOL this new joke thing is THE LOLS and all of us who get this, we're the cool, kids, right?

4chan was a community of people who had delved so deep into teh shittyness of internet subculture, that we defined what it all was. And it was shit, and we recognized that. We created our own community, over revelling in our little nerdy memes and in jokes. But suddently, now all our old jokes and material, and basically, our personalities and subculture has become THAT HIP NEW THING, where you see laughingelfman on a t-shirt, or when you go on some fucking hipster guy's 9gag account and he is all like "MILHOUSE IS NOT A MEME LOLOLOLOL" or someone links you to 9gag and you see a comic you saw like, two years ago, and you see people literally say "this shit is so funny, i am gonna get this on a t-shirt. everyone of my friends love these mspaint heartbreak comics."

It makes me want to scream. I hate everything about how my corner of life is being exploited, and mass produced, and torn apart so fucking hip assholes and teenagers can suddently say something like "im behind seven proxies" and know what the fuck that means. That my circle of friends is suddently becoming the hip new thing.

yesterday, i saw some sevvie, with skinny jeans and a fucking jacket ofr some lame band that he probably got from hot topic, wearing a shirt that quoted something from zero wing, and I wanted to punch him. I want to scream at him "YOU HAVENT EVEN PLAYED THAT GAME YOU DOUCHECOCK!"

We purposely made 4chan a shitty place, because it was funny, but mostly because the rest of the fucking world didnt accept who we were and are, so we carved it ourselves. We trolled people because trolling was funny, We meme'd it up because were the only people who would undestand the relevance of making a physics joke in relation to the rules of a tabletop d20 roll. Most poeple don't even get half f this shit, they just think it is funny because it is INTERNET HUMOUR.

They werent on fucking somethingawful, or 4chan, or tiny little invisionfree forums back in teh day. They dont really knowwhat is going on. But they can pretend to because shitty websites like KNOWYOURMEME can explain it to them in retard terms, and then sell it on a t-shirt for money.

IF you are not willing to be part of my culture, then you have no excuse to exploit it.

AAAAAND boom goes the dynamite.

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