Monday, January 16, 2012

Schools around the world

Today, I have tried and failed to bring my friends together to start a band. After careful deliberation, I have realized that everybody in high school is only focused on achieving high grades and getting laid. In every high school movie I have seen that wasn't on the Disney channel, those two objectives and getting popular were all that is good about high school.

pictured above - raunchy, wild orgy-style chemistry study groups.

In the high school movies that are "child friendly," the screen shows teenagers doing something unique and really inspiring. what a load of bullshit.

I know that I am stereotyping here, that the rest of the world is pretty different. but from the American cable television perspective, Asian high school students are horribly obsessive, and European teenagers are just reazing and getting wasted. also, there are no high schools in Africa. racism aside, it seems that American high schools are deriving from both stereotypes, with an equal focus on partying and studying. The best of both worlds. but with not enough of each thing, there is no focus. Aaaand, those are my two cents on the subject.


  1. Actually, there are many high schools in Africa, and most of them are in horrible condition.And just because you didn't get people to join your band doesn't mean all people are in high school to get grades and get laid (I do agree some do those things, but). Some people are focused on learning more because they want to be educated; it makes them feel accomplished. Some people want to pursue art and sciences because it's what they love to do. So don't bitch just because you didn't get a band together, I mean I know it's disappointing, but you can't branch out and say, "well, since that didn't happen, it can't happen."
