Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Comfy.

After spending my day walking outside in the snow, I have finally returned to my small, warm abode. That feeling of warm, comfortable bliss, putting on an entire season of south park on your laptop with one hand and throwing your other hand down your pants. It isn't the small things in life that matter, it is the comfy. As my manly, dead uncle once said, "any fool can be uncomfortable, but it takes a real man to be comfy." God rest his poor, Rhinoceros-trodden soul. I mean, no wonder 4Chan holds being comfortable as one of its highest values.
Right now, I view this guy in a higher perspective than Jesus.
In conclusion, I would kill and eat numerous amounts of small children for a blanket. I despise myself for taking the time to take my arms out from under the covers to write this.

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