Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Thoughts On SOPA

I have always wondered what life would be like, living in an Orwell-style censored dystopian future. Now, with the looming threat of SOPA, I can finally live the dream. Even though most of the internet has the driving passion to completely obliterate the bill, most people have no clue what it is. Today, Google, Wkipedia, Reddit, and a slew of other websites are blacking out in protest of SOPA.

I think it is no coincidence that three days before this mass protest, SOPA mysteriously decides do die. To wither away to oblivion. All was well, and the Ewoks were cheering and playing festive music. Even though it pains me to use a cliched term, our troubles are far from over. First of all, we have SOPA's retard brother on 'roids PIPA charging at us, and he is actually much more dangerous. Like a mentally challenged sibling, PIPA is almost identical, but god help you if you inspire its wrath. 

Second of all, SOPA isn't really dead. Like Spock in Star Trek II, like Indy in The Last Crusade, and like Jesus in The Bible, It is alive. And like Arnold, it will be back.  You see, it never really died in the first place. It has been shelved by the senate. This means that SOPA will return... by february. I think that the senate is pulling off this douchebag move because there is a certain limit to how long someone can protest. In my opinion, the senate scumbags are trying to wait us out. 

I predict that by the time february rolls around, SOPA will rear its ugly head for the second time. To compensate for you having to read my mindjess jabber, take this picture of a dog.

Damn, Chardee. You be lookin' flyyyyyy.

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