Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Disney, look how you've grown!

Well, After my many perilous journeys on the "weird" part of the internet, I have come up with something truly confusing. Not the feeling of disgusted shock when one of my less nice acquaintances sends me a link to a shock site, or that vomit-inducing feel of r/Spacedicks. Before I move on, let me express my sincere apologies for showing you that accursed site. Anyway, this picture left me with a very beguiled brain and a very baffled boner.

Quadruple alliteration!

This picture manages to take the brightest points of my childhood and merge them with the brightest points of my teenage years. On an unrelated note, Wouldn't you think that the extremely alluring teenage Boo should me hanging with a balding, middle-aged Sully? OH GOD. One idea led to another, and now images of blue-furred bestiality are etched into my skull. 

If you liked this picture, check out some other of the artist's works at

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