Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Special Olympics, part 1 of 2

Well, I am currently watching the republican debates, formerly known as the special Olympics, and boy, it just made me feel much smarter by relativity. Before I go on, some of you might have no clue what this whole "politics" thing is all about, let me fill you in. I only have the motivation to talk about the douche-balloons who are still in the race.

First of all, you have this arsewipe here.
Oh my god, just look at his face. He looks like he always need to fart.
First in the posse of apocalyptic horsemen is Mr. Rick Santorum. This horrible man agrees with SOPA. That's right. Sic' em, boys. Intertubes asides, Rick is actually the youngest competitor, and he started late. On a completely different note, the word "Santorum' is actually a really dirty term, and if I post the meaning here, I could potentially get banned. So, I will just leave this here. Be warned.

Next in this pantheon is that one guy named Mitt Romney, god of being normal.
Oh. Yet another white male. How surprising.
This candidate's only driving force and only real argumentative tactic is that he is normal. Your average Joe, Per Se. In every argument, ranging from healthcare to illegal immigration, his answer always goes along the lines of "I know what the average American feels like, I come from a middle class family in Detroit, and my father was a car dealer." Oh. Stop flaunting that fact. Nobody cares. I could rant more, but my internet addiction is paying back. What a bitch karma is.

If I made any mistakes, please let me know.

P.S. In the last week of no school, I have watched three seasons of Family Guy, two seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, three Stanley Kubrick movies, and Every episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.


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