Wednesday, January 25, 2012

North Korea. The lolsy country.

"North Korea is kind of like a 12-year-old. It can't support itself because it spends a lot of its allowance on toys and various love letters to Kim Jong-il. And keep in mind "toys" means "weapons." They are always threatening to build a nuclear arsenal, but the world realizes this would be the point the whole North Korea thing would stop being funny."-Cracked on North Korea.

Read more: 6 Reasons North Korea is the Funniest Evil Dictatorship Ever over here. is my sole repository of information, and is what has provided all of my snarkiness, and has made me lose all faith in humanity. Good stuff.

Just in case you want to join the North Korean fan club, get over here.

Glenn Beck Fayul.

Well, in this video here, the extremely right-wing conservative newsguy Glenn Beck thinks that anonymous is a force of justice. Even  worse, he thinks he is part of anonymous. Somebody out there should take him down. Remember kids, Anonymous is not a force of good, it is a force of lulz.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why I hate 9gag

Well, I just wrote this about newfriends on the internet.

You know what? my passionate hate for 9gag has nothing to do with accrediting 4chan, more like the acting half the jokes that get reposted on these shitty tumblr and 9gags and what have you, acting like all these image macros and memes and comics are something you knew that you guys discovered and that noone else could possibly have seen before, and that they are part of some secret club of people who know about a joke that is already three years old. Do you know how long rage comics have been around? Do you know how long people have stopped using those in 4chan? But now people post then on their shitty tumblr and 9gag shits, and suddently, its like "OMG LOL this new joke thing is THE LOLS and all of us who get this, we're the cool, kids, right?

4chan was a community of people who had delved so deep into teh shittyness of internet subculture, that we defined what it all was. And it was shit, and we recognized that. We created our own community, over revelling in our little nerdy memes and in jokes. But suddently, now all our old jokes and material, and basically, our personalities and subculture has become THAT HIP NEW THING, where you see laughingelfman on a t-shirt, or when you go on some fucking hipster guy's 9gag account and he is all like "MILHOUSE IS NOT A MEME LOLOLOLOL" or someone links you to 9gag and you see a comic you saw like, two years ago, and you see people literally say "this shit is so funny, i am gonna get this on a t-shirt. everyone of my friends love these mspaint heartbreak comics."

It makes me want to scream. I hate everything about how my corner of life is being exploited, and mass produced, and torn apart so fucking hip assholes and teenagers can suddently say something like "im behind seven proxies" and know what the fuck that means. That my circle of friends is suddently becoming the hip new thing.

yesterday, i saw some sevvie, with skinny jeans and a fucking jacket ofr some lame band that he probably got from hot topic, wearing a shirt that quoted something from zero wing, and I wanted to punch him. I want to scream at him "YOU HAVENT EVEN PLAYED THAT GAME YOU DOUCHECOCK!"

We purposely made 4chan a shitty place, because it was funny, but mostly because the rest of the fucking world didnt accept who we were and are, so we carved it ourselves. We trolled people because trolling was funny, We meme'd it up because were the only people who would undestand the relevance of making a physics joke in relation to the rules of a tabletop d20 roll. Most poeple don't even get half f this shit, they just think it is funny because it is INTERNET HUMOUR.

They werent on fucking somethingawful, or 4chan, or tiny little invisionfree forums back in teh day. They dont really knowwhat is going on. But they can pretend to because shitty websites like KNOWYOURMEME can explain it to them in retard terms, and then sell it on a t-shirt for money.

IF you are not willing to be part of my culture, then you have no excuse to exploit it.

AAAAAND boom goes the dynamite.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Music level: Asian.

Well, because of this guy, I now will never be able to play the violin again. But seriously, if you want to see music done Asian style, check it out here.HERE.

Jeff's movie reviews: The Fifth Element.

Alright, so last night, I was re-watching one of my favorite movies, The Fifth Element. you can check it out here, or if you are not interested in that sort of thing, here.

To put it simply, The Fifth Element is Die Hard in space, except in The First Element, the enemy is literally a giant ball of death.
What roguish charm.
With such a wonderful enemy, you would expect a really awesome hero, and you have it in the form of spacecab driver John McClane, I mean, Korben Dallas, and his trippin' cat.

With heroes like this, you know we're gonna win.
So apparently, this ball made out of pure evil is going to come down to earth and totally fuck things up. To stop this from happening, they have to put some stones somewhere and something or other. Yeah, I wasn't really paying attention. Then, this guy comes up.

Wow. Even now, I am confused as to what that abomination on his head is, is it like a hat? a fez? Whatever. Now this guy wants moolah, so he gives a call to the death ball, yes, he calls this giant ball of death. Is there service in space? What kind of self-respecting ball of death has a cell phone? Anyway, he has to steal the stones to get money. This baffles me the most. Why is this guy trying to help the giant ball of death that is poised to destroy everything everyone has ever known, including him? perfect logic, really.

Then to please the erst of the male audience, they put Milla Jovovitch in clothes like this.

And then Bruce Willis blows things up. And Chris Tucker happens. Nuff' said.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Special Olympics, part 2 of 2

Well, if you read my previous post, I will continue to describe the republican debate in a way that that the normal middle schooler will understand. On an unrelated note, it has been proven that the average high school graduate has the reading level of a seventh grader. I left off my last post after describing the first two candidates, and with the help of a vomit bucket and a used ummbrella, I will finish describing the otehr two.

Next up in this clown show is this old fool.
Yup. The guy that looks like the protagonist of crankshaft could be our next president.
This grandpa here, his name is Newt Gingritch, is the second most liked candidate in the race. First of all, I do not want a president named after a lizard. Or an amphibian. Except Iguana Jones. He would get all of my votes. all of them. You know what? I am not even going to describe him in full detail. for that, go here.

And last but most radical, here is this guy.

His ears make me laugh.

I have run out of witty things to say, so let me just fill you in. He strictly believes that the original constitution,  written now nearly two hundred and forty years ago, should be followed to the exact letter. He is very conservative, and believes in staying out of things that aren't his problem, he thinks global warming is a hoax, he thinks that church and state should not separate, and he looks like Magneto.

What an uncanny resemblance.
Well, that is all I can write before my mind becomes permanently dulled. If you think that I made any mistakes, feel free to mock me in the comments section below. Enjoy your day, and if you name happens to be Hunter Vasey, I hope an asteroid travels across space and hits you in the balls while you are sleeping.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Special Olympics, part 1 of 2

Well, I am currently watching the republican debates, formerly known as the special Olympics, and boy, it just made me feel much smarter by relativity. Before I go on, some of you might have no clue what this whole "politics" thing is all about, let me fill you in. I only have the motivation to talk about the douche-balloons who are still in the race.

First of all, you have this arsewipe here.
Oh my god, just look at his face. He looks like he always need to fart.
First in the posse of apocalyptic horsemen is Mr. Rick Santorum. This horrible man agrees with SOPA. That's right. Sic' em, boys. Intertubes asides, Rick is actually the youngest competitor, and he started late. On a completely different note, the word "Santorum' is actually a really dirty term, and if I post the meaning here, I could potentially get banned. So, I will just leave this here. Be warned.

Next in this pantheon is that one guy named Mitt Romney, god of being normal.
Oh. Yet another white male. How surprising.
This candidate's only driving force and only real argumentative tactic is that he is normal. Your average Joe, Per Se. In every argument, ranging from healthcare to illegal immigration, his answer always goes along the lines of "I know what the average American feels like, I come from a middle class family in Detroit, and my father was a car dealer." Oh. Stop flaunting that fact. Nobody cares. I could rant more, but my internet addiction is paying back. What a bitch karma is.

If I made any mistakes, please let me know.

P.S. In the last week of no school, I have watched three seasons of Family Guy, two seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, three Stanley Kubrick movies, and Every episode of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.


Jeff's movie reviews: MI: Ghost Protocol

Well, a bunch of acquaintances from my education center (the word "school" is too mainstream) encouraged me with brass knuckles to reviews the recent motion picture Mission Impossible 4. I am writing this as I am watching it. First of all, as the opening credits trasitionize really smoothly, but due to my prolonged exposure to the internet, I still cannot believe that a fuse can burn underwater. Another trifling issue that came to mind was how if this is the fourth Mission Impossible movie, then it has been proven, several times, that the entire writing staff either exaggerates too much or has really, really bad perception.

After Tom Cruise royally screwed over the entire nation of Russia by destroying the Kremlin, I had instantly lost all suspension of disbelief, like the was I first felt when I was told "hey dude, does this whole religion thing make any sense to you?" Anyway, it was clear to see who was the real hero.

Yup. this guy. right overt here. Mr. Sean of the dead over here.
You know what, they should have just called the movie "Simon Pegg is kicking ass and taking names" because it would feel a lot more honest. It was cool when Tom Cruise kinda saved the entire nation of america from a bomb, and the rest of the civilized world from one giant clusterfuck, but Simon Pegg really takes the cake on this one.
The portrait of a beautiful man.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Thoughts On SOPA

I have always wondered what life would be like, living in an Orwell-style censored dystopian future. Now, with the looming threat of SOPA, I can finally live the dream. Even though most of the internet has the driving passion to completely obliterate the bill, most people have no clue what it is. Today, Google, Wkipedia, Reddit, and a slew of other websites are blacking out in protest of SOPA.

I think it is no coincidence that three days before this mass protest, SOPA mysteriously decides do die. To wither away to oblivion. All was well, and the Ewoks were cheering and playing festive music. Even though it pains me to use a cliched term, our troubles are far from over. First of all, we have SOPA's retard brother on 'roids PIPA charging at us, and he is actually much more dangerous. Like a mentally challenged sibling, PIPA is almost identical, but god help you if you inspire its wrath. 

Second of all, SOPA isn't really dead. Like Spock in Star Trek II, like Indy in The Last Crusade, and like Jesus in The Bible, It is alive. And like Arnold, it will be back.  You see, it never really died in the first place. It has been shelved by the senate. This means that SOPA will return... by february. I think that the senate is pulling off this douchebag move because there is a certain limit to how long someone can protest. In my opinion, the senate scumbags are trying to wait us out. 

I predict that by the time february rolls around, SOPA will rear its ugly head for the second time. To compensate for you having to read my mindjess jabber, take this picture of a dog.

Damn, Chardee. You be lookin' flyyyyyy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Disney, look how you've grown!

Well, After my many perilous journeys on the "weird" part of the internet, I have come up with something truly confusing. Not the feeling of disgusted shock when one of my less nice acquaintances sends me a link to a shock site, or that vomit-inducing feel of r/Spacedicks. Before I move on, let me express my sincere apologies for showing you that accursed site. Anyway, this picture left me with a very beguiled brain and a very baffled boner.

Quadruple alliteration!

This picture manages to take the brightest points of my childhood and merge them with the brightest points of my teenage years. On an unrelated note, Wouldn't you think that the extremely alluring teenage Boo should me hanging with a balding, middle-aged Sully? OH GOD. One idea led to another, and now images of blue-furred bestiality are etched into my skull. 

If you liked this picture, check out some other of the artist's works at

This guy can stare into my soul and rape it.

Wow. Simply wow. I just finished watching the first part of full metal jacket. No wonder why everyone keeps telling my that I shouldn't watch A Clockwork Orange. Stanley Kubrick is a mad genius. Somewhat like Tim Burton, but with a little hint of FUCKING PSYCHOTIC. 

When you look at it, he looks like Zach Galifianakis.
But with more rapeface.

Well, that's all I have to say about that.

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Comfy.

After spending my day walking outside in the snow, I have finally returned to my small, warm abode. That feeling of warm, comfortable bliss, putting on an entire season of south park on your laptop with one hand and throwing your other hand down your pants. It isn't the small things in life that matter, it is the comfy. As my manly, dead uncle once said, "any fool can be uncomfortable, but it takes a real man to be comfy." God rest his poor, Rhinoceros-trodden soul. I mean, no wonder 4Chan holds being comfortable as one of its highest values.
Right now, I view this guy in a higher perspective than Jesus.
In conclusion, I would kill and eat numerous amounts of small children for a blanket. I despise myself for taking the time to take my arms out from under the covers to write this.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Star wars, brain slugs, and well, more brain slugs.

I know it might seem kind of childish of me, but earlier, I was recently watching star wars the clone wars. If anybody asks me, it is because I want to see what stupid things Georgie-boy has done to the show, but in reality, I think it is fucking awesome show. In my opinion, the peak of the series was season two. Specifically, episodes Weapons factoryLegacy of terror, and Brain invaders. these three episodes were what actually got me back into the star wars fanbase. In the Legacy of terror episode, the one scene with the zombie geonosians was actually not bad.

Because that's some scary shit.

I must say, George, :notbad: 

Apart from the fact that I cannot buy this, I am pretty satisfied. Oh, and also, if anybody of high power is reading this, kill Jar-jar. In fact, just wipe out the Gungans. No, just nuke Naboo. Put that bitch Amidala in her place.

Schools around the world

Today, I have tried and failed to bring my friends together to start a band. After careful deliberation, I have realized that everybody in high school is only focused on achieving high grades and getting laid. In every high school movie I have seen that wasn't on the Disney channel, those two objectives and getting popular were all that is good about high school.

pictured above - raunchy, wild orgy-style chemistry study groups.

In the high school movies that are "child friendly," the screen shows teenagers doing something unique and really inspiring. what a load of bullshit.

I know that I am stereotyping here, that the rest of the world is pretty different. but from the American cable television perspective, Asian high school students are horribly obsessive, and European teenagers are just reazing and getting wasted. also, there are no high schools in Africa. racism aside, it seems that American high schools are deriving from both stereotypes, with an equal focus on partying and studying. The best of both worlds. but with not enough of each thing, there is no focus. Aaaand, those are my two cents on the subject.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

user submissions!

I have decided to include the community in my rants. Send me a page with a topic to rant about.

Cher and the apocolypse

To whomever gave me my first two pageviews, you shall forever remain in my heart. you are the instigatots of my diabolical plan, and when the world is in ruins and you are all rats sifting in the rubble, you know who to thanks. those two people who just happened onto my site. Hunt them down, and eat them. better yet, Hunt them down, make them listen to cher, and then eat them. Or would that be a bit too sadistic?

9gag. LOLWUT

If anybody is listening, which I doubt nobody is, what si the whole deal with 9gag? I mean, seriously. why do they get all the mainstream attention just fur being the back end of the human centipede of the itnernet? lets discuss, shall we?
hey internet! i have decided to start a blog. well, it is more of where I rant about stuff and post funny pictures. yup. thats it. enjoy.what I waste my time looking at.