Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Hunger Gaems Movie Review Part 2.

Tere is no real part two of my previous review. I just wanted to add a slight amount of suspense to this dull, mundane, monochrome blog. But here, for all your troubles, for all your hard work by clicking on this blog, have some beansies.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Movie Review: The Hunger Games, Part 1

Just yesterday, I had the spectacular (mis-)fortune of watching the movie adaption of the Hunger Games.

 I am willing  to be honest with people, I was watching the movie with my 'cynical asshole' glasses on, so things might have been a little different for you. After I met a few friends in the lobby, we went inside, and sat front and center. During the preview of the new Twilight movie, I nearly got kicked out of hte theater for laughing my head off.

When the actual movie started, I still thought that it was a preview, because none, I mean, NONE of the actors they chose were at all similar to anything described in the book. I decided to let it slide, because why not. It was all fine and dandy until this asshole arrived.

Look at his little smug face. I JUST WANNA PUNCH HIM.
By the time the movie was only 20 minutes in, I was cracking up. The only problem is, it was the serious scene. I literally could NOT stop laughing at his bitch face. More like Just Bitcherson. Anyway, the choreography look quite obviously written by Michael Bay, and the entire film seemed to have been shot by Michael J. Fox. More on that here.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Thoughts On Competitive Pokemon.

Look, I don't need to apologize to an uncaring internet, but I will anyways. I won't make the dumb excuse of 'I have been busy with school,' because everybody does that. I actually have been busy...playing Pokemon. That's right, Pokemon. Just last week, I had my first taste of competitive pokemon, and boy, it sucked.  All of my pokemon died, and some creepy guy with a goatee made fun of me for not knowing what EV training was. He recommended me this site right over here. Smogon is a place on teh internet where people go to play pokemon competitively. I checked it out for a while, then I had come to a conclusion. Smogon takes pokemon way too seriously.

The world's saddest university. 

 Despite the deep strategy involved in the game, Pokemon was originally created by Satoshi Tajiri with children as the main demographic, and even fourteen years later, they still are. Nintendo rates those children that beg and scream at their parents for the new amee as better customers than those who actually care about strategy. In conclusion, this guy.