Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day Food Chain.

Well, valentines day just happened. I don't really know now to describe it in fancy words, so, it was... mundane. I will explain this in the easiest format possible.

First of all, you got the deep-in-love couple sitting in the corner, the ones that the entire school is talking about, the ones that always use cutesy-wootsy launguage when they are around eachother.

Next, you have the popular kid group, the ones who pressure their parents into buying them really fancy chocolates and roses. This immature pack of boys roam around the school, like a wild pack of horny meerkats, giving their chocolate boxes to the girl with the biggest breasts.

Like this, but with scraggly mustaches and doused in axe body spray.
After that, you have the possibly-insane girls who talk too much about their possibly non-existent boyfriends. This species is also identifiable by the fact taht they are carrying large presents half their size, for example, large teddy bears.

On the bottom of this metaphorical scale, you have the awkward kids who are always complaining about how alone they are. The sad thing is, this is the majority of my school. These sad creatures are hte ones shouting "OH GOD IM SO FOREVER ALONE!" What really pisses me off is how they use the term in a trifling matter. Its only middle school. Leave that title for the 40-year old virgins living in their mother's basements.

 Well, thats all folks. If I missed anybody out, tell me in the comments!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Comment. NAO.

Hey guys. Midnight on a Friday night, and I have not done anything of remote interest. Well, this leaves only one thing left.

Make a request for a movie, any movie, from Superbabies 2 to The Shining, I will watch it, and I will review it. People like my reviews, right?

To make up for your time, here.

The Creepiest. Game. Ever.

Holy shit, guys. The game I just played... its friggin scary. I am still, still shaking. Someone help me. It has been a whole half-hour, I am still freaking out.

You start off with no instructions, no backstory, and no intro. You're thrown headfirst into the game, once you start. The first  thing you see is a corridor. You're in a corridor with glowing blue walls and a pitch black floor. Your only source of light is the walls, that glow a sicky blue.

Your character is some sort of mad cannibal that you can barely control. You are only able to force him to turn corners in this creepy maze of hallways. He seems to grab everything he sees and eats it.; whatever is hrown in front of him he gobbles up and munches it down.

While traversing this asylum, you are chased by four different, hideous, and fucking SCARY monsters. well, they were more like ghosts than monsters. You cannot hurt them AT ALL, and letting them catch up to you is instant death, in which the ghost-monster latches onto you and rips your insides all, apart. The worst part is, you can hear your own guts being torn apart. Crazy shit.

You can, however, eat some crasy objects lying hidden in the maze, and after you eat then, your charactetr, which hs already a psychopath, goes even crazier, like an LSD trip turned awry. Once you eat these pills, you can literally EAT the ghosts. Your character just runs up to them and devours them whole, witht eh whole "exxtended jawline" type thing. The wierdest part is, you leave their eyes.

There are little to no words to describe this game, other than ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING. I don't want to spoil it for you, so if you can name the game, write it down in the comments!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Sorry I haven;t been blogging in a while. Been busy with mundane stuff. To make up for it, here, a baby seal.